Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Your love is my drug <3 .
yeah , im jealous . Jealous last night , so goddamn jealous tht i lost control and cried like fuck . Yeah , tht wasn't me . Im not recognised as a crybaby in my frens' eyes . But wad happened ytd was a big disgrace to myself , im too ashamed to see you again . After all those comfort from frens , it had all gone down th drain as it was not from you . I only wanted those soothing words from you , tht was wad i expect . But no . You dun give a damn . I hope you cared , even it's juz a little bit , its okay . You told me you disliked her , but now you'd even wished tht she eat&sleep for 11:11 . Jealousy kills .. I bet she posted all tht on facebook , juz to make me feel tht way . Im sorry i lost control , im sorry for having all those wishful thinkings , im sorry for stepping like a girl you cared most . Im sorry for loving you .
You're simply etched in my heart <3 .

holiday assignments , wow , i'm almost done wif th 2 maths worksheets (Y) .
wads left ; - halfdone wif 2nd maths worksheet .
- maths textbook der graphs !
- chinese worksheet , wtfuckk -.- jiayouhs o .

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